Super-8 Cartridge Tweaking: Top Notch
Sometimes, e.g. when I reload Super-8 cartridges, I want the cartridge notches to "tell" the camera correctly what kind of stock I actually loaded. Below is a quick DIY guide for altering cartridge notches easily to make the camera expose correctly. Widening or creating notches with pliers is easy, this is more about (partly) closing them. All you need this:
- Some Vaseline or oil
- Solid Ribbon Epoxy
- X-acto knife
The photos below show the making of an adapter to close the (lower) Tungsten notch, altering the ASA notch width works the same way though.
1: Lubricate the cartridge where the ribbon epoxy will go. Below I used too much oil, use a Q-Tip or so to remove it. Vaseline should work too.
2: Knead the ribbon epoxy well and fill it in the gap. Make sure there are no overlaps thus the cartridge does not get bigger than it was before. Stick a paperclip (or that Q-Tip) in the glue to make removing the part later on easier.
3: The finished Notch-Closer, ready after few minutes. Fits perfectly. Before full hardening, you can model the result with an x-acto-knife or so quite well to make it fit even better.
To alter the ASA notch width, do the same but shorten the resulting piece per Notch Ruler. This also works great in cameras that do not allow manual exposure override but can read non-standard notch-widths.